Useful Tips to Know for a PhD Student

With the passage of time, students get to learn a lot of new lessons and things due to the experiences they go through. At each level of academia, from junior school to high school and further to college and doctoral program, students face different kinds of struggles and challenges which makes them a stronger person gradually. While a lot of people are now attending graduate school due to high competition in the markets, few take up the challenge of starting a PhD.

Since it is an obvious fact that the journey of a PhD student is not an easy one, it is a good step to know a few tips that can help you have a pleasant journey. If you are aware of all the major challenges that you are about to face in your next stage of life, you will not panic when they arrive and will be able to deal with them better. Expert write my essay and some PhD holders suggest the following tips that all PhD students must know before their program begins:
  • You are about to earn a highly prestigious degree: The first and foremost thing to celebrate is the fact that after a few years, you will get the most prestigious degree in the world. Also, the title of doctor will be added before your name which itself is a respectful thing. So despite the challenges you will face in this journey, you know that all the time and efforts are worth it. 
  • Do not wait for the last moment to arrive: Be it small projects that you are expecting to receive anytime soon or a complete dissertation that is mandatory, never wait for it to be assigned. Start working on it beforehand even if the most you do is just plan on how to go about it. The schedule is so busy during the PhD that when you have all the deadlines in front of you, it might become very difficult to manage. Hence instead of waiting, start planning the schedule and begin your research. PhD is mostly about how much you research on a given subject and so there is no harm researching when you are not instructed to do so.
  • Develop good relations with your dissertation supervisor: Soon after your PhD begins, a supervisor will be assigned to help and guide you with the dissertation research and writing process. While you may not find supervisor very useful initially, keep in mind that he can make your journey easier. Dissertation supervisor is a highly experienced and intellectual individual who can provide you with excellent tips to make your PhD journey easy. However, supervisors pay close attention to those who seem to be interested. Therefore, develop good relations with the supervisor by visiting him frequently for questions not only related to dissertation but also general questions about PhD.
  • Seize every opportunity to enjoy: As a PhD student, your schedule might not allow you to go out for a movie or trips every weekend. Therefore, whenever you get some extra time for leisure, do not waste it because later on students usually regret this decision. Expert dissertation writers UK suggests that you must spend some time doing things you love so that you get some time off from the hectic dissertation process.

Author bio: Richard Douglas is the director of equity management at a finance firm and also a visiting faculty at a university in Michigan. Richard obtained his PhD in equity management and loves to speculate on stocks.   


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