Hacks for essay Writing

Out of all the challenges you face in your academic life from high school till doctorate, dissertation writing is probably the most difficult task you might get. There is a lot of time and effort required to prepare a good uk essays on time considering the fact that you have to attend classes and continue with your job. Hence, it is extremely important to be aware of some hacks that can make the entire process easier than usual and help you turn this nightmare into a manageable task.
Instead of asking people to do my dissertation, I tried approaching people to learn some hacks that would help me do my dissertation without much difficulty. You can always learn from experiences of seniors and try convincing your supervisor to tell you about some hacks related to dissertation. Following are some things that your supervisor might not tell you:

  1. Starting all over again: Never be afraid to start everything all over again. It might seem like waste of a lot of time that you spent writing paragraphs and rough drafts but in reality starting all over again will take less time and give out efficient results rather than being confused about what you already did. The dissertation experts claim that the foundation of a dissertation must be strong and written with full passion and dedication. Without a strong dissertation base, the entire dissertation can be a nightmare and so spend sufficient time in the beginning.
  2. Using documentaries as a source of research: Surfing the internet and reading pages might become very boring and hectic for students who dislike reading. Even for those who love to read, watching relevant documentaries can help you save a lot of time in the research process. Apart from saving time, you will remain entertained till the documentary ends which means it is not as boring as traditional research methods are. Hence, increase the use of documentaries in order to simplify your work for dissertation writing.
  3. Using smartphone apps to your benefit: No matter how much your supervisor or professors guide you and assist you with planning for the dissertation, smartphone apps can always make work easier. There are some apps like Trello to make organization of dissertation work convenient while some apps like Self-control can keep distractions away by blocking social media accounts for some time. The efficient use of these apps can be extremely helpful in the dissertation writing process and hence you must use them whenever needed.
  4. Reward yourself for completing the goals you set: Complete research on a specific topic by 5pm might be one of your goals for the day. Convince yourself that you will do it and treat yourself with something you love to eat as a reward. This actually creates motivation within a student to achieve his goal and hence he will work harder as a result.
  5. Take notes of every little thing: If you feel like a discussion on television or in reality around you is relevant to your dissertation topic, take notes of them and do this as frequently as you can. At the time of writing the dissertation, you will realize that you have enough notes to take content from apart from all the research that you did. You can also use these to support your arguments.

Author bio: Christine Fernandez is the research associate of an economic development institute. Her passion to learn about rural to urban migration is great and she have published several journals in this regard.


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