Importance of Peace of Mind during Essay Process

Despite the fact that entire PhD journey is filled with projects, lectures and assignments, it is undoubtedly true that dissertation creates a lot of panic and stress for students. There are a lot of things to be done in the dissertation process including the planning, research, writing, proofreading, submission and defense and the time is limited. Although sufficient time is allowed to students for the completion of dissertation but since the workload is enormous, it does make the students feel stressed out and panic.
However, academic experts and PhD professionals claim that peace of mind is very necessary when carrying out tasks like dissertation and others that require high level of concentration and attention. A number of professional write my essay claims that they have seen students facing difficulties in researching, planning and writing simply because they do not have peace of mind when working on the dissertation. Following are some problems you face when mind is not at peace:
  • Lack of concentration: A mind that is not at peace cannot concentrate well on the task a person is doing. Research and writing especially for dissertation requires 100% of your concentration because there is a lot of thought process to be done. When your mind is not at peace, you will not be able to put in that amount of concentration and hence your efficiency will decline.
  • Mood swings: A negative result of not having peace of mind are the mood swings that you will go through. Mood swings during a task can lead to distraction and unwillingness to complete the task. Since dissertation writing demands huge passion and interest from students, mood swings have to be eliminated in order to avoid struggles during dissertation process.So it is clear that your mind should be at peace while doing the dissertation and expert dissertation writers UK claim that the following can be helpful to bring the mind at peace: 
  • Listening to songs and keeping everything else aside: Songs and music have been proved to be a source of relaxation since hundreds of years. Students are often found with their earphones on and eyes closed because they are obtaining peace of mind. Prepare a playlist filled with your favorite songs and listen to them whenever you feel your mind needs rest and you cannot concentrate well.
  • Going for a short trip: The best way to refresh your mind completely is to go for a short trip with friends or family. Exploring new and beautiful places, experiencing new activities and witnessing new cultures are truly helpful in bringing peace to mind after which you will surely be able to concentrate on the dissertation process. You might rarely get time for such trips so if you do, never miss the opportunity or else you will regret your decision later on.
  • Taking study breaks in between: Human mind gets exhausted at one point when you study too much or do a lot of research. That is the time when break is required to regain the peace of mind. When you feel exhausted, take a few minutes break and listen to songs or have a cup of tea/coffee. As you return to the dissertation process, you will feel more focused and energetic!

Author bio: Thomas Harley is a professor of econometrics and advanced calculus at a university in Houston. A PhD of mathematics, Thomas studied economics till postgraduate level and loved the combination.


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